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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Constipation – “Pain in the Neck” of modern days~~~

Having irregular defecation and difficulty in passing motion???

Don’t let
affect your health!!!

Constipation is when you have trouble having bowel movements. Abdominal swelling, straining to empty your bowel and hard stools are signs of constipation. Sometimes, you may experience the feeling of continued fullness even after a bowel movement.

In a normal bowel, your colon conserves fluid and electrolytes in the body and excretes about 10% of the fluid and electrolyte intake of the day, with the stools. When there is decreased fluid intake or when your colon is unable to retain sufficient water to hydrate stools to large, soft-easy-to-pass masses, constipation results.

Almost everyone gets constipated sometimes, as numerous factors in modern lifestyle cause constipation!!!

How to minimize your constipation:

1. Avoid primary causes of constipation
- Not drinking enough fluids

- Not eating enough dietary roughage

- Reduced physical activities

- Poor toilet habit

- Constant changes in routine

2. Beware of the secondary causes of constipation
- Stress and anxiety
It is proven that increasing stress levels due to high pressure jobs, skipping breakfast and dieting cause constipation. It is virtually impossible for anyone to avoid stress. You can only try to reduce and control it.

- Supplements and medications
E.g. Iron and Calcium supplements, pain-relievers, cardiac medication, antidepressants and antacids

- Medical problems
E.g. Diabetes Mellitus, thyroid, haemorrhoids, anal fissures and colonic cancer

- Pregnancy
The increasing size of the uterus causes compression of the colon. Besides, progesterone, a hormone which is elevated during pregnancy relaxes the muscles of the colon. Therefore, stool is propelled more slowly. The stool will lose too much water and become small, dry and hard.

To get more information on how to get rid of constipation, pick up this interesting read about constipation and how to stop your constipation today!

Discover NOW What's Stopping You from Having Daily Bowel Movements!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Housework, Walking - Lowers the Risk of Cancer and Death~~~

Housework, a chore that most people dread, has been linked to reducing the risk of certain forms of uterine cancer. Another study reinforced past findings that showed exercise has lowered the risk of many forms of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. A 20% reduction in endometrial cancer was discovered among adults who exercised and maintained an active lifestyle. other studies showed that waslking and everyday household chores reduced the lifelihood of endometrial cancer, a cancer of the lining of the uterus, by as much as 40%.

The study included 974 Shanghai women, aged 30 to 69, who were questioned about their current exercise program, as well as the extent of exercise they engaged in as teenagers. These women were compared to other women similar in age. Results from the study showed that the women who walked for more than 60 minutes each day and conpleted for or more hours of housework a day, had lowered their risk of endometrial cancer by 30%.

Accumulated evidence over the years has also shown that an active lifestyle can reduce the risk of other cancers such as colon and breast cancer.

Extra body fat has been associated with an increased risk of endometrial cancer, however exercise has been found to be helpful in countering some of these risks. Exercise has been noted as a valuable option in deterring certain types of cancer and may increase the survival rates of women with breast cancer.

Another study involved 2,296 breast cancer patients who were monitored from 1986 until they died or until June 2002. The study concluded that the women who walked for one hour a week were 19% less likely to die, while women who exercised for three ho9urs a week were 54% less likely to die of breast cancer.

- Reuters March 29, 2004 -


Sunday, April 12, 2009

High Blood Pressure~~~

High blood pressure is a treacherous disease. It is a silent killer progressing in your body without symptoms until it is too late. Well, you may not have high blood pressure now, but you probably will. If you live long enough, most likely you will get high pressure. Only a small minority of people escape. The tragedy is that many do not even know they have it.

The heart is the central organ of the cardiovascular system. Its main function is to pump the blood throughout the body. It is an extremely busy organ, pumping about 70 times a minute, more than 100,000 times a day! This makes the heart the busiest organ in the body and the one undergoing the greatest mechanical stress.

Silently and relentlessly it is wearing out and aging the large and small arteries of your body. The heart begins to grow in size to try to push blood against the pressure. During the process the heart begins to tire out. Congestive heart failure is beginning, and your kidneys are scarring and shrinking. But no one dies from high blood pressure! They die from other illnesses induced or made worse by high blood pressure, such as heart attack, stroke, heart failure and angina. High blood pressure also detracts from the quality of life. It can cause poor eyesight, depression, morning headaches, fainting spells and ringing in the ears.
Some populations in other countries never get hypertension – until they move to our country and develop our lifestyle. Thus, many researchers relate the problem to diet, stress and other lifestyle factors. Among the risk factors for stroke and heart disease, it is one of the most preventable.

Most of the time high blood pressure is called essential hypertension or primary hypertension. This means, in medical jargon, the absolute cause is not known. Essential hypertension accounts for 85 to 90 percent of all cases. This type of high blood pressure often seems to run in families. As many as 40 percent of those with high blood pressure have immediate family with the problem.

The other form of high blood pressure is called secondary hypertension. This means the high blood pressure is caused by some other condition. This can be hormone imbalance, a tumour of some regulatory organ, or kidney problems. By controlling or curing the basic problem, secondary hypertension may just disappear.

There is no cure for hypertension, but it can be controlled. Hold that though a second. If we can control hypertension, then we can also prevent it in the first place. The good news is the nearly 90 percent of high blood pressure can be controlled or prevented with diet, food supplements and some lifestyle modifications.

That is what this 'The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report – Natural Hypertension Cure' ebook which I’m going to introduce to you is about. But, like most things in life, the choice is yours. You can choose not to have your blood pressure checked and live in the dark, or you can have it checked about twice a year and at least you know where you stand.

Even if your blood pressure is acceptable now, this 'The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report – Natural Hypertension Cure’ ebook will give you ways to prevent, or at least delay, its occurrence.

If it is found that you have high blood pressure, take heart. Most can be controlled without drugs – if you are willing to make the necessary choices. The lifestyle changes are well worth the effort because you can avoid the unpleasant side effects caused by most high blood pressure medications.

You can take charge of your own destiny. The advice contained in this ebook will give you a healthier, richer, happier life.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Liver Disease~~~

Let’s admit it. We all take our liver for granted. It is an easy organ to ignore, as it doesn’t growl like an empty stomach or beat like a drum. This amazingly complex organ affects directly or indirectly every physiological process in our body and if it isn’t working up to par, we will pay dearly for our health.

Today, we will focus on the different kinds of liver disorders cause by damage to the liver cells.

Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver from any cause. Hepatitis commonly results from a vial infection commonly due to five hepatitis viruses-A, B, C, D, or E. The major non-viral causes of hepatitis are alcohol and drugs. Inflammation of the liver lasting less than months is referred to as acute hepatitis and greater than that is referred to as chronic.

Hepatitis A virus (HVA) can be transmitted through contaminated food prepared by infected food handlers. It spreads primarily from the stool of one person to the mouth of another. Such transmission is usually the result of poor hygiene. Many types of food can also be infected by sewage containing hepatitis A virus and raw shellfish such as cockles are sometimes responsible.

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is transmitted through contaminated blood or blood products and sexual intercourse. A pregnant woman infected with hepatitis B can transmit the virus to her baby during birth. Some people who are infected by HBV develop no symptoms, but they become chronic carriers of the virus. In areas of the world such as the Far East and parts of Africa, hepatitis B virus is responsible for many cases of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is most commonly transmitted by blood through users who share needles. Hepatitis C is generally mild in its early stages of infection but is much more likely to produce chronic hepatitis and some cases of cirrhosis and liver cancer. For unknown reasons, people with alcoholic liver disease often have hepatitis C as well.

Hepatitis D & E virus occurs only in people who already have infection with hepatitis B virus, and it makes the hepatitis B infection more severe. Drug addicts are at relatively high risk.

Liver cirrhosis is the terminal stage of the liver disease in which the liver shrinks and fibroses thereby losing all its function. When the inflammation is severe and continuous, scar tissue, called fibrosis develops causing new liver cells to grow imperfectly. Normal smooth liver tissue is replaced by irregular nodules and the liver becomes much harder than normal. The combination of nodules and fibrosis is called cirrhosis.

Liver cancer is a major problem in many parts of the world. The precise cause of the cancer is unknown, but chronic hepatitis is a major precipitating factor, as is cirrhosis, a disease in which scar tissue replaces normal liver cells. Other contributing factors include occupational exposure to toxic chemicals, the use of synthetic testosterone and other anabolic steroids to build muscle mass & alcoholism.

In today’s world, the liver has more than its share of toxic substances onslaught: from car fumes, industrial chemicals and household cleaners, second-hand smoke, medications, pesticides, polluted water and additives in the food. Much as the liver has the amazing ability to restore and regenerate itself, the effects of persistent long-term chemical abuse and unhealthy lifestyle may cause liver impairment and failure.

Well, after a long discussion on the liver disorder, I’m sure every one of us is concern now over how can we stay healthy and have a healthy liver.

How if you are told that there is this simple formula which has been scientifically proven to cure cancer and any other diseases? And what if you had a one-minute cure that could get rid of virtually any disease in the event that you actually acquired one? Click Here!

I know it sounded too great and is unbelievable. Well, you have every reason to be sceptical. I strongly recommend you to opt for this formula as it is completely natural remedy and recognised as safe – by the FDA.

Are you ready to start treating your liver right? Get a copy of this marvellous 'The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases'
ebook while you can. You will make a tremendous difference in your life and also other’s life.

*** The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases ***

Friday, April 10, 2009

Understanding Osteoporosis~~~

Osteoporosis is known to be the silent disease. The word “osteoporosis” literally means “porous bones.” Osteoporosis is known to affect millions of people worldwide. The proportion of population over the age of fifty (when the risk of osteoporotic fracture increases) has increased over the past decade.

Millions of men and women suffer from this disease without realizing it until fracture strikes. This is because, unlike other diseases like measles and chickenpox, people suffering from osteoporosis may not know they have the disease until a bone breaks. By the time the symptoms become apparent, the disease has already reached an advanced stage. Symptoms of osteoporosis include persistent backaches, a stooped back and loss of height.

Our bones consist mainly of mineral called calcium. It is the calcium in our bones that makes them strong. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones lose calcium, making them porous or less dense and weak. Weakening of bones (decrease in bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue) is prone to bone fragility and increased susceptibility to fractures.

As a child your bones grow and lengthen rapidly, reaching their full length during the late teens. After this period of rapid growth comes the stage where the bones thicken. Young adults reach their “peak bone mass” at about age 25. Our bones undergo a continual process of renewal where old bone tissue is removed and replaced by new bone. This process is automatic and does not result in any loss in bone mass.

However as we age, our bone mass declines slightly. Whether or not you will suffer from osteoporosis depends on how much bone mass you have built up during your developing years and how much bone you lose after that. Women are more prone to osteoporosis after they reach menopause (when they stop having monthly periods) because their supply of oestrogen, a hormone that protects their bones, decreases.

You never know when osteoporosis will strike. Risk factors for osteoporosis have been identified. Certain factors like race and gender cannot be modified. It is possible to reduce the risk of osteoporotic fractures by simple measures.

Bone loss starts from young adulthood. You can slow down the rate of bone loss. According to the U.S. National Osteoporosis Foundation there are some ways in which you can maximize and preserve your bone mass. These include an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, regular weight-bearing exercise, avoidance of tobacco use and alcohol abuse, and minimizing the risk of fractures. Children especially during active bone growth need all these elements to promote strong bones. Adequate calcium along with good nutrition including intake of Vitamin D will optimize peak bone mass (which is also genetically determined). These good habits should be continued throughout life.

Although prevention is always better than cure, those with established osteoporosis and fractures should not lose heart as treatment is available which can be tailored to suit them. Medications are available to help the pain of fractures, prevent further bone lose and even increase bone strength.

In the past, osteoporosis was linked to old age and was accepted as an inevitable part of the ageing process. Today, with a greater understanding of the disease, we now know that osteoporosis can be prevented. By taking care of your diet and lifestyle, you can greatly reduce your chances of getting osteoporosis.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Stay Healthy~~~

Surrounding you are either those who loves and treat their bodies well or those who always feeling unhealthy. Which are you?

Let’s admit it. Many of us have no thoughts as to how to care for our bodies.

Put this in mind. Having good health is the most valuable gift in one's life. With good health, all the wonderful things in life will be possible. You will find that if you take care of your body, it will take care of you as well.

Healthy living starts with eating healthily, exercising and having some time for rest and relaxation. Also, remember to visualize your body in a way that makes you happy. Picture your body in a state of health! Love your body and I’m sure you will have a better one!!!

So, take control of your health now. Start creating healthy lifestyles. Make those changes to empower you to healthy living.

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