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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Constipation – “Pain in the Neck” of modern days~~~

Having irregular defecation and difficulty in passing motion???

Don’t let
affect your health!!!

Constipation is when you have trouble having bowel movements. Abdominal swelling, straining to empty your bowel and hard stools are signs of constipation. Sometimes, you may experience the feeling of continued fullness even after a bowel movement.

In a normal bowel, your colon conserves fluid and electrolytes in the body and excretes about 10% of the fluid and electrolyte intake of the day, with the stools. When there is decreased fluid intake or when your colon is unable to retain sufficient water to hydrate stools to large, soft-easy-to-pass masses, constipation results.

Almost everyone gets constipated sometimes, as numerous factors in modern lifestyle cause constipation!!!

How to minimize your constipation:

1. Avoid primary causes of constipation
- Not drinking enough fluids

- Not eating enough dietary roughage

- Reduced physical activities

- Poor toilet habit

- Constant changes in routine

2. Beware of the secondary causes of constipation
- Stress and anxiety
It is proven that increasing stress levels due to high pressure jobs, skipping breakfast and dieting cause constipation. It is virtually impossible for anyone to avoid stress. You can only try to reduce and control it.

- Supplements and medications
E.g. Iron and Calcium supplements, pain-relievers, cardiac medication, antidepressants and antacids

- Medical problems
E.g. Diabetes Mellitus, thyroid, haemorrhoids, anal fissures and colonic cancer

- Pregnancy
The increasing size of the uterus causes compression of the colon. Besides, progesterone, a hormone which is elevated during pregnancy relaxes the muscles of the colon. Therefore, stool is propelled more slowly. The stool will lose too much water and become small, dry and hard.

To get more information on how to get rid of constipation, pick up this interesting read about constipation and how to stop your constipation today!

Discover NOW What's Stopping You from Having Daily Bowel Movements!!!


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